Join our group of people moving to a wild desert island life

We are gathering a group of people (women and men) who are more interested in living a truly free, more happy and adventurous life in the nature and away from civilization rather than the normal kind of a city life in modern society. If you love to hang around in night clubs or you don't like nature or are just outright far too addicted to porn or computers :), you should just go back to Free Sex Door.

We are going to Australia on the first quarter of 2009 and buy a sailboat and most of the supplies in there. I can afford to buy a good boat by myself but naturally each group member would contribute what he or she can to supplies at least.

So we are initially going to a desert island 150 or more kilometers away from the coast of Australia. More specifically, to an island in between Australia, Vanuatu and Solomon islands and we would slowly make our way towards the region near Nauru. Staying at desert islands on the way when we need to or want to before we are near that region. That is not to say that plans won't change once we are sailing the ocean, they naturally most likely will.

Our group currently consists of 2 highly determined male founders (Me and Ville) from Finland and some more people are currently interested in joining and we will execute this plan with just the two of us if we have to but we are doing everything we can to get a good sized group together. Hopefully 5 to 8 people.

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Tropical island sailboat photo
Tropical island photo
The basic principle is that everyone coming along has to be serious about abandoning whatever life they currently have, probably for the better but if it turns out you no longer want to be there living a life like this with us, it can take a while before we can take you back to civilization and thus this idea is likely to be better than your current life only if you're not really happy with your current life or you have been fantasizing about something like this.

However for you to feel more secure, we will get to know each other as much as possible before going to Australia and even if we can't meet in person before Australia, we will have plenty of time to get to know each other face to face in Australia as well because we will spend a few weeks there preparing for the trip. For the more timid of adventurers, we might also accept members that come to Australia ASAP only once they see a picture of us in our sailboat but we will have to know each member at least online quite well so complete strangers won't be able to jump along. At the very least you could see our flight tickets before buying yours.

The islands are going to be "paradise islands" but because we are going to live as self-sufficiently as possible (using as little money as possible after we are on our boat), not everything there will be easy but sure as hell interesting and more natural to humans than the normal, often stressful city life.

We have little physical requirements, only that you are an adult and fit enough to be able to work out at a gym for example.

While it is essential at this point to have a leader or two to get this plan executed (Me and Ville), once we are on our sailboat we will be a group of friends, not a tribe with a hierarchy.

We are going to take modern wilderness survival equipment with us but every group member is free to decide just what to bring with. We will come back to civilization only when really required, to re-supply or fix the boat for example.

If you are a vegetarian, I'm quite sure you just can't survive with us in the wild without buying most of your food and thus would have to change your stance on that subject to join us.

If you are interested but in doubt about whether this might be the right life choice for you, you can email either me tero*freesexdoorCom or the second founder of the group, Ville:

For more information or to join, visit our forums. We don't want the forum filled with people who aren't seriously considering coming with us. So please don't register in the forums unless you're really interested. You can check them out anyway though.

Tropical island photo with coconuts

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